Islam Ranger

Menjadi pahlawan sejati sebagi pejuang kebenaran hakiki di dalam Islam.

Fiqrah Islam

hari ini umat Islam banyak yang tidak memahami bahwa agamanya tidak sama dengan agama-agama lain di dunia ini. Islam tidak hanya sebuah agama ritual tetapi juga sebuah ideologi sempurna yang berasal dari pencipta alam semesta. Memang benar ideologi adalah istilah baru yang belum pernah dikenal sebelumnya di dunia keislaman.akan tetapi secara substansi makna ideologi semakna dengan aqidah islam itu sendiri. Ideologi adalah sebuah pemikiran mendasar yang tidak dibangun oleh pemikiran-pemikiran lain.
Pemikiran seperti ini hanya bisa diperoleh dengan sebuah pemikiran yang menyeluruh tentang manusia,alam semesta dan kehidupan beserta tentang apa yang ada sebelum dan sesudahnya dan hubungan antara kesemua itu.
Di dalam Islam pemikiran seperti ini tidak lain aqidah islam itu sendiri. Dalam aqidah Islam manusia, alam semesta, dan kehidupan ini adalah ciptaan Allah. Dan sesudah kehidupan ini ada alm akhirat dan hisab atas kehidupan di dunia ini. Disamping itu hubungannnya dengan kehidupan di dunia ini adalah di tetapkannya Syariat yang mengatur seluruh aktifitas manusia dan seluruh alam semesta.


Four Alerts of true love

You can find someone who really is best suited to be a pair of life and even have more than one in your life. But then how do you really know sure?

Here to help ensure your relationship decisions:

Ungkapkan desire and want it why?

You must have a clarity not only about what you want out of love, but what you want in life with your partner. Immediately after knowing that, you will believe you have entered in a relationship with a goal and a clear vision of what your relationship with him. Defining criteria will help avoid difficulties involved with someone who is not suitable for you.

Measure your romantisme

Although the sound trite, make a list of your ideal match expectations. Contents pair perfectly with the desire, but realistic special. The more you know what that is suitable for you, the more easily catch the moment when he can walk with you.

Love yourself

There are old proverb says: "You will not be able to make other people until you make yourself." This will not only help in time to meet someone new, but also help you start your relationship on a good time.

Be the best

Love is not just looking for someone who will make you happy. Match will produce the best-perhaps someone who will make you a happier person and more productive.

The best way to find true love is a smart-pintarlah choose someone and clear why you select them.

Laughter Love Can Make Due

The way you laugh, can make other people like and love arise. Hence, the clever set-pandailah laughter.

Once the words and advice expert relationship. He said, when you are trying to attract the type of opponent, try laughing. Because, apparently laughing play an important role in a relationship.

Jo-Anne Bachorowski, assistant psychology professor, Maria Smoski, and Michael J. Owren, professor from Cornell University, found that people have a voice that laughter vary.

Not only that, studies conducted on 120 Vanderbilt University students, it is known, the laughter can be a voice to attract people. If we can mengolahnya, laughter can cause a feeling of love.

"Of course, the laughter sound depending on the gender. Tariknya But power is the situation and determined that the conditions and environment - including the start laughing," said Bachorowski.

"We see, a laugh is very effective - such as eye gaze. And the fact, unwittingly, many people who use tricks to laugh and show how emotional conditions respond to something," augment him.

Make people so naksir

In fact, the laughter more than just talking ingredients. We can utilize laughter to control the emotional state a person - and yourself, of course. And the fact, many people interested in the cheap smile.

"If people are interested akan kindness you smile, then you can make them more interested in - or constrained regular-usual course, with the tone and intonation laughter."

I wonder, when you're a woman, the best way to pick a man defense with a laugh at the tone a bit higher along with hand movement around chest.

Vice versa for men. They say, women are more interested in the clever men who vote tawanya to be lower. With the sound more 'civilized', men can muffle negative thoughts terhadapnya women.